Imagine you’re walking through a dense woodland seeing glimmers of light shining through the trees but not quite getting to you.
Then suddenly you walk around the corner and you are in a big open clearing with the sun shining directly on your face. That feeling of light, warmth and brightness? Bottle that feeling. That’s what you are going to get with my program.

Reset, Rebuild, Revitalise, and feel great.


Is a coaching program that uses my unique Positive Health approach. Mixing evidenced-based Positive Psychology Interventions with lifestyle behaviour changes and holistic practices. All tailored to your individual personality traits so they feel more like joyful exercises and less like chores!

  • Are you tired of feeling trapped in a cycle of low level anxiety that holds you back from reaching your full potential?

  • Do you find it challenging to focus, make decisions, or stay motivated due to constant feelings of unease and worry?

  • Are you fed up with feeling like you're drowning in stress, unable to break free and thrive in your personal or professional life?

Maybe you can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep and that something isn’t sitting right deep inside.

Then this anxiety program is designed specifically for professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs like YOU.

  • Providing practical tools and strategies to manage and overcome anxiety effectively.

  • You will learn how to break free from the grip of anxiety, regain control over your thoughts and emotions, and unlock a newfound sense of calm and clarity.

  • Say goodbye to feeling unproductive and overwhelmed - the program will empower you to boost your productivity, enhance your focus, and achieve your goals with confidence.

I have been in health and wellness for over 25 years helping people be healthy and well and the best they can be. My mission is to get people to look after their entire health with as fewer drugs as possible. When I was 19 I was having panic and anxiety everyday. I thought I was going mad. I couldn’t sleep properly. My world started to shrink around me. I went to the GP and he offered me antidepressant’s and that’s not wanted I wanted. I wanted help. I thought to myself then and there I’m not going to try that yet. It’s a last resort. From that moment I started a now 27 year journey of learning and building my health so that I could avoid medication unless absolutely necessary and that’s what I want for you to! 

In Zen in 60 I have condensed so much of my learning down to just 60 days where me and you work together to beat your anxiety. You’ll leave with so much knowledge about yourself and all the tools you could need to move forward. You won’t look back! 

I’m Ali Potter

What’s included: 5x 1:1 coaching sessions, tailored to you, covering:

  • How to STOP anxiety in its tracks.

  • The we’ll ANSWER why it’s happening.

  • You’ll learn some tools and PRACTICES to use to keep calm.

  • We’ll UNPICK how you got here in the first place.

  • Then we’ll plan for your FUTURE.

Plus audio files, worksheets, videos, voxer and email support.

The sessions are tailored specifically to you and whatever you bring to the table but as your mentor and coach I will help guide you through the support you need. ZEN in 60 days will give you a calmer life, where your to do lists actually get done. It will give you the tools and strategies to ease that fluttery non stop feeling. A life where you will jump out of bed feeling refreshed, full of energy and motivation, relaxed, strong, and healthy in both body and mind.



£350 The total cost for the 60 days.

BONUS 2 months membership to the Pilates portal included. Join the class on zoom at 6pm Mondays or take from the portal whenever you like.


£75 per coaching session paid in full each week before each session.

TESTIMONIAL: I was feeling overwhelmed and suffering with non triggered anxiety, so I contacted Ali to assist helping me find ways to get a life that made sense for me, one I understood and enjoy most of the time. I could write a chapter on all the areas Ali has guided me through, from food, thoughts, exercise, worries, family, home, work, time management and so much more.
Ali assists with a true authentic non judgement understanding and works organically with you to get where you want to be.
”If you take care of your body it will take care of you”
Namaste  🙏